I dont understand how people get their energy when it comes to hitting me. Everybody was like Superman/woman. I could find the aggression in the eyes of Sandy and fun-seeking in the eyes of Teja. The bashing went on till 0300 hrs with lots and lots of artificial poses too. Here are some of the real beatings I got....

And some of the artificial poses we gave....

Fun has a lot of meanings and this is one of them. The worst part is he is much harsher than me. More 'moratic' than me. But 2 hands are nothing when compared to 20 hands. Call it luck?.
The beatings are as usual but next came the funniest part. "Prasa on Amaresa...Special attraction L.Kapila". Thanks to my orkut friend who is the source of our inspiration. It went on for the next 3hrs. We enjoyed like hell and even Teja too had our kind of sense of humour, surprise to see. All in all the prasa came out quite well, it served as a trailer to the album which we are gonna release very soon. "The Prasa Album" :p. Whenever i meet him its always fun. Love you life long ra. And at 0530 Hrs they called it a day and time for me too sleep. But the telephone started ringing from 0900 hrs itself. No proper sleep.
After an hour it was Sunder with the first greeting card of my birthday. I got another greeting card too from and made by my sweet little cousins Pinky, Dolly and Dingy.

Sandy was late to come and join us. Old days were back when we met. Same old shoutings, teasings and all. But the special part is the palmistry sessions of Sandy. Went on till the evening till the time they left. Guess Pratt was the one who was satisfied to the max after Sandy revealed her 'future' from her palm ;)) After that it was Sammi, Bin and Bat at around 2000 hrs. Mom was too tired preparing lunch for us and also for my cousins in the aftrenoon. Said she she had no more energy so i had to take them to a restaurant(Leven dont curse me for not taking you guys to a restaurant :D). The main part was the worst part of my dinner. The curry was like only sugar stirred with a couple of spoons of tomato sauce. Oh my Gosh!!! Never tasted a curry like that ever before in my life. I aint a sweet fan and it was kinda horrible. Had to curse someone for making that choice. Even while i was dining my mobile kept ringing every 15mins. Irritating? Naaa...It was Simmi calling and Yes i was irritated too coz she is the one who suggested to go for that curry.
After that fateful dinner im home. No proper sleep and all day spending time with people shouting and laughing, it was tiresome. Sat before the computer and started surfing. At the moment when i thought it was time for me to sleep i recieved a call which i was anticipating. It was 2359 hrs and the day is gonna end in a minute. It was Sim. She wished me then. I was the last one to wish her on her birthday(if i remember correctly). I thought she was taking revenge. But she kept calling me almost all day long and wished me now. After wishing me she asked "Ardam kaleda inni sarlu enduku call chesano?". Then it striked me with a huge surprise. I turned 22. She called me 22 times all day long and wished me happy birthday on the 22nd call. It was surprising but more than that - special. I wondered where all my tired feelings go at that moment. An ordinary day turned out to be something different. That was the biggest surprise of the day. I wonder im still in that memory.
Love you all guys who made my day and hate one.
Here are a few people whom i missed or rather missed me ;)) :
Nick(Leka leka kottalanipinchidi veediki kani....i was saved ;)) ) and Sunny(very eager to beat me since last year), Amy(can never predict him but hez the man when hez in form), Ashy(he doesnt beat me), Bobby(not much grudge on me), Simmi(When it comes to beating oh my god shez a man) and Sam(does she beat at all?).
Here is a special person whom i think im really saved from:
The Mighty Pavan... Thank you ra for not being here.
My 22nd birthday was special...