The two days which i'll remember forever:15th March 2006,the day on which i've shown my first video to MAXOS and how Amy n others reacted to it.....i can never forget and the second day was 24th June 2006 my 18th b'day was gud,my 19th was very gud,my 20th was damn gud coz never on my previous birthdays i was wished by so many people.....and my 21st birthday was.......... huh please can u guys help me with the proper words to describe it coz none of the words i thought of are able to match.A beautiful day or a night rather or to be precise 12:00 usual it started off with blindfolding,driving to a secret location,silence all around n finally sparked off with magic candles,the ones which i've introduced in LEVEN n finally had the effect on myself.So many people around me...all of them my friends...cheering n yelling out the birthday song.Cake cutting was cool.It all started after that.
They had a small game n that i call cake-bashing.They made me stand a few feet away from the cake n threw cake on my face.I really wanted to eat some cake but they never allowed me to do so.These buggers i donno y they had so much grudge on me after the game they simply smashed my face into the cake which was resting on the table...the table broke n the cake finally rested in peace R.I.P.Pity myself.Then the fav game of all the idiots who were there started.Birthday Bumps.I was hit so much on that day that i wasnt able to rest my ass on any hard surface for 2 days .The most i had was from King kong Pavan n nitwit Sandy.I deserve only half the beatin i got from pavan coz i had hit him pretty well on his b'day but i absolutely dont deserve wat i got from sandy i dint hit him very much on his b'day i bought a cycle chain on his b'day jus to scare him but never hit him wit that.I believe everyone will be there on his next birthday n i donno about the rest of the buddies but i tell u sandy u will be dead in my hands n its not jus a word but a promise im never gonna break.Pavan is a lucky brat he'll be leavin for his MS n i guess he wont be here for his next birthday.Had very less from nick but actually i deserve more from him for wat i gav best buddy never hurted me coz he knows he'l b dead after that :)) jus kidding.I deserve wat i got from Bob the machoman coz i had a ball with him on his b'day.Ash my tag team partner never touched me coz i dint touch him on his day maybe thats bcoz i had an injury but even if was gud i wudnt hav hit him much.Hey buddy u said u wanted to beat sandy on his day for wat he has done to me.And i'l be glad if u join hands with me on 2nd Feb 2007,the day on which sandy will be presumed dead.I had heel-kicking from Jo which was goddamn painful like someone was poking me with sharp spears.Got a bit from Prat which i felt lik someone was blowing air on me.Lolz.Beating from Sim was too painful.i shud say i got the best from this idiot after pavan n sandy.Her kicks were so continous it was like spilling a tank of petrol on moderate fire.I saved her on her b'day but she never had thankfulness towards me for that.Hate her.Even i had some from her gang 'trakkz' thank u guys for being there on my b'day'.Overall i received a beating of a lifetime.
My friends will always hav a mixture of mirchi n honey in watever they do.After having knocked the doors of hell i was poured with fav coloured t-shirt,a bracelet,a beautiful neck chain,a cute wooden wind chime,toys...superman,krissh n the quakky crazy frog all my favs,3 lovely key chains,my fav superhero spiderman's mask,vcd n poster n above all is the heaviest of all the gifts-a boxing bag n gloves.The two biggest passions of mine r driving n boxing n i never thought i will be able to fulfil my dream of having a boxing kit of my own but my rocking friends made it come true.U all rock.I never had a hint of boxing kit as my b'day gift.No one wud believe if i say i was beaten up by such a huge thing sadly i was beaten with that,that too after being blindfolded.I will hav my vengeance on pavan n sim for that.After all this,came the most surprising n the best of all the gifts i had ever had on any of my 21 birthdays.I know how much it takes to make or modify a small part but to make such a thing is no piece of cake and no walk in a park.I can imagine how hard they wud hav workd for it but truly speaking...i can never imagine.I was awestruck with the arrangements they hav done to show me that.A projecter and a large screen which fitted nicks bedroom wall.This was a stunning surprise for me.They made a video for me.Sayin it as simple as this may sound mere ordinary but i guess they all know how much it mean to me.Hmmmmm honestly i really donno whether they know it or not.But that video is my most valued possession.My fav,my most liked n the best of all the videos i have as far as im concerned......Ash said he expected something from me after watchin it.I guess everyone expectd some words from me.As u all know guys i can never speak about my emotive feelings.Naa batukki eppudu cheppalenu naa feelings ni.Naa basha lo cheppalante aa video chukka keka.sorry ra intakanna baaga cheppalekapotunna.But it was my heart ra.itz a "Movie of Life" by the "Gift of my Life".I always feel that its very hard to surprise me coz im rarely surprised at things.But this was the biggest ever surprise to me.N i donno wat more to say about it.....truly no words for me ra.
First of all it was the video which really really surprised me n while watching it i was surprised again n again.I thot it will be jus LEVEN but then there were TRES n then came Sammi n then TRAKKZ n the thing which surprised me the most was my family in the,dad n bro never expected better than this.Then came my coll,my second home sunny n amar's room,my terrace,my bike,my fav spots n even my fav french fries.Wat more can i ask for.I got everything in it from my childhood pictures to my newest hotspot tanda garam.U've given me the same kind of things i gav u......the disclaimer,the same titles and the most amazing fast-scrolling pictures.a total surprise.Im not dat surprised by the scoldings u gave me coz it has been a routine for me wenever i meet u people but the thing which really touched me was the words which came from ur hearts.It was then i knew how much u people care for me.I love you all ra.But i really missed sammi,Sun,Amy,Dumbu n Sam.I wished they too were there with me(physically) on that day.I donno how i'll celebrate my b'day next year without u guys.I miss u people on every single day i dont spend with u.U guys went away to build ur own career but thats for good n i too hav a career to build.Missing u people is inevitable.But thats the way it is,happy days r not forever n these idiotic dull days too r not forever.